We design the utmost practical experiences.
We, converting user’s experiences found to be the most valuable assets of today into the utmost practical digital products, are the UX Design Consultancy, Korea.
We are aiming to provide a simple but explicit solution. Pursuing only the latest technologies and trends might not be the best since the importance of the basics is more likely to get underestimated in the way. As we have accumulated more experiences and widened the range of thought, we become more faithful to the basics. We highly value of sincerity and believe in the power of sincerity in every problem-solving process. It does not mean that we neglect the importance of the latest technologies. With the proper use of advanced technologies without negligence of the basics, we are trying our bests to provide the utmost useful product to help corporations to expand their scope of businesses and to provide practical convenience to actual users.
That’s the value we are seeking for 20 years.
There are no two completely identical beings in the world. Each product, brand, or service has a distinctive property on its own. Such property transforms into its user’s experience in various formats at the time it gets experienced by the user. We detect the insight with which the direction of changing of the world could be understood and sympathized and promptly materialize it. The creativity we are aiming to offer is the difference with a purpose and a reason. We create a new and different value of the digital paradigm, which is ever changing, through the approach integrated with technologies and services, developed with our experiences. It sounds dreamy, but possible to use since every one of us is ready to evolve further.

We have been trying to explore and understand diverse and advanced business ecosystems. Our goal is to create a new value at the point where a company contacts with its customers, using digital products.
Founder & CEO / Park Youngmin
We have experiences of developing more than 500 digital products over last 20 years.
We want to assure that the number does not matter, but it could be an evidence showing that we continue to support and believe in the value of sincerity, despite all the dramatic shifts in the digital paradigm. We detect the core experiences of customers for companies or brands and convert them into actual products so our clients could create a new value for business.
Along with companies leading the economy of Korea, we also concern about the future of digital in Korea.
We are working with companies leading the economy of Korea, especially for the most critical and essential projects of all. Today, it is critical to devise a strategy reflecting the voice of users as well as UX and designs that could lead trends while gaining the sympathy in users. Of course, it is critical that the quality of digital products has to be maintained stable with the experienced project management With our highly developed and practical UX Process, we would continue to be on the top of lists for digital product partners for companies seeking for a new business force.