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iF design Awards 2018, Winning Awards in Two Divisions

Feb 28, 2018

VinylC was awarded at iF Design Awards 2018 for the communication division.

‘JAJU’, a mobile commerce apo pf Shinsegae International, and ‘NAMUC’, a mobile app of NH Investment Securities were both awarded at if Design Awards 2018.

In the case of the project of JAJU mobile app, its main focuses were to design the UX that could be convenient to increase its sales, and to create an organic flow line with the JAJUEN, its lifestyle content. It has been evaluated to be a new Korean lifestyle commerce.

On the other hand, NAMUC mobile app of NH Investment Securities aimed at offering easy services to reduce the burden of investment of young generations. Therefore, it focused on creating the sensual interaction and easy contents to reduce the entry barrier to securities.

VinylC’s new challenge to offer better experiences to consumers will continue.