Works Details

- UX
- In-Depth Interview, UX Concept Building, UI Concept Building, User Flow, Lo-Fi Prototyping, Hi-Fi Prototyping, Wireframing, UI Design, Sketch, Invision, Zeplin
- Tech
- HTML5, CSS, Web/App Accessibility, SEO
We were concerned about the brand ZUMO which was willing to expand its service area at the moment, and ended up adding a new service called ‘Bucket List’ in order to introduce their unique service into its user’s daily life. A data mining algorithm was introduced to recommend a variety of contents to each user considering its field of interest. In addition, we were trying to improve the serviceability of its major services including UX/UI and a search.

It is simple to focus on the essence of content with a philosophy of 'LIFEPLUS' that aims to give life a better value so that every moment of life can be enriched with life, and was designed with a brief, intuitive, and balanced sense of each page, with an emphasis on accessibility and attention.
Through the simple A/B test, we verified that the data mining algorithm could improve its recommendation service and consequently, we managed to raise the satisfaction of users on the recommendation service.

We made efforts to improve the overall UX/UI usability by improving UX/UI and strengthening the tag-based search function in order to make the contents of ZUMO more attractive.
By not only exploring contents within ZUMO App, it is also improved to enable contents to be shared and bookmarked in a whole, individual way so that other users can make a virtuous cycle that flows in for content exploration.

To allow its user can record its bucket list, a service area called ‘Bucket List’ was newly created. Based on this personal information, it became possible to recommend more suitable contents to the user, in turn consistently touting the user to the app.

- Project Manager
Lee Junghun
- Creative Director
Kim Youngsun
- UX Designer
Woo Misuk, Kim Yangsu, Seo Mihye, Kim Sung Soo, Seo Boram
- UI Designer
Park Joohyun, Ju Sunyoung, Lee Sieun, Moon Mihyeon, Kim Hyemi, Gwon Yohan
- Interaction Designer
Yoo Jungsun