Careers Detail
Teams and organizations are created because there are works any single individual being can handle. People develop at each own pace. We do not rush, but it does not mean that we neglect or overlook. We support the development of each member and hope to work together as team.
Someone could be a bit slow. However, there is an important thing that could be achieved only working with others. We believe that the team is where people should understand differences between individuals and develop together by affecting each other. We want the process and outcome, created through teamwork rather than by a single person.
VinylCrew, with extensive service experiences in various fields, grow with its colleagues. New technologies and changes in markets could be entertaining. We want people who are ready to explore and enjoy the world of digital products, the most sensational field of today.
In production of digital products, users’ experiences are the utmost important. With our systematic and highly developed observation and investigation on users, we analyze the target customers in depth. The differentiated creativity of VinylC is created upon logical strategies.
We constantly enhance the efficiency of problem-solving processes. Since technologies and markets are constantly changing, the outputs they require are also constantly changing. However, with the constant improvement of our UX process, we are capable of manufacturing any named digital products. VinylCrew are not afraid of change.